Agency Producer with 13 years experience across broadcast, digital, interactive, experiential, social… you get the point. I’m production agnostic. My true specialty is making the seemingly impossible possible. I believe that a producer brain can figure out anything, so I’ve spent my career putting that theory to the test and proving it right:

I’ve gotten a bunch of super esteemed awards! Like pencils and lions and the “weird and experimental” webby!

Wieden + Kennedy Portland recruited me in 2017, nurtured me, let me produce some really weird shit, sent me through their prestigious Leadership Academy, gave me the tools I need to run the (ad) world.

I was a founding member of the Wieden + Kennedy People + Planet Committee, that set the industry standard for DEI and sustainability practices in bidding productions.

W+K Green the Bid rep from 2021-2024.

It is rumored that I single handedly ruined Old Spice production budgets when I managed to execute an NFL TV campaign with eight completely bespoke ads featuring two NFL players… for 300k.

An article was written about one of my productions from the POV of a cat’s butthole.

I once spent four straight weeks at work watching Game of Thrones to pull time codes for a twitter campaign.

I gave the president of KFC night terrors with a spot we made to promote their new Donuts.